Sustainable Creativity Freelance

Plant a tree. Check!

Have a child. Check! Write a book, advertisements, presentations, posts, manuals, scripts, functional, papers… check, check, check! And to design, illustrate, layout and art-finish it all, check! Helping our clients, our clients’ clients and the world… triple check! More than 30 years of experience have given us the opportunity to realise many of our purposes, and more than enough experience to help you achieve yours.



Shall we work together?

Today is the second best time.

They say the best time to plant a tree was years ago. The best time to start working with you would also have been years ago: we would know your company, your purpose, your product, your services, your value proposition, your brand… better and better.

But, just like planting a tree, today is also the second best time to work and grow with you, either for the first time or to start a new project.


Hojas inspiradoras del árbol Liquidámbar Styraciflua de

Creative Commitment

Since we planted it in 1994, this liquidambar has accompanied our freelance professional activity. It gives us and the neighborhood inspiration and joy.

Work by work, our experience has also been growing. It branches out whenever a client recommends us.

And, like a tree, we have taken root: in the commitment to create a positive impact on others through sustainable, holistic, conscious and profitable creativity.

Sustainable, Holistic, Conscious

Things we never told you.

You may know us for what we do for our clients: creativity, design, layout, presentations… But here we are not going to talk about ‘what’ but ‘how’ we try to make sure that our work, the work we have already done or the work we could do for you, also contributes something of value to the world and to people.

Just as we show you the tree we planted, we also share with you the values of a service we have always offered to our clients: responsibility, adaptability, generosity and loyalty.

Read on to get to know us. To see our work, click on the button to jump to our portfolio.

Liquidambar y SuS en otoño. symp: Creatividad Consciente, Holista y Sostenible
symp: Creatividad freelance recomendada por Seguros RGA

Responsible Creativity

Sustainable, no matter what

Because there is no other way. Whatever the cost. And it has cost. Since 2020, the electricity we use to carry out our work has been self-generated with solar panels that feed their surplus into the grid. In 2023 we have abandoned gas in favour of aerothermal energy, recovering condensation water. Moreover, our income has been invested in sustainability for decades. This is how we live, this is how we work.

Therefore, when you order work from us, in addition to offering you responsible solutions, you have this added value. And when you pay our invoices, you know that you are also contributing to the care of the environment.

Adaptable Creativity

Holistic by nature

We are freelancers and although specialized in certain disciplines we have a generalist, flexible and versatile profile. We have worked in agencies, studios and consulting. For administration, logistics, commercial and branding departments. We have been supplier and client; employees, entrepreneurs and freelancers. Having held these positions, having been in the profession for more than thirty years and knowing how to adapt ourselves to work with all types of clients and sectors, in very diverse media, will bring to your projects the value of integrating our vision and experience.

Composición de trabajos de creatividad y diseño de symp
symp: Creatividad freelance recomendada por VIPS

Creatividad Concienciada

Aware of our role

We understand creativity as a relationship that we maintain with each client and whose purpose is to positively influence their work, commercial or financial environment.

Our way of fulfilling ourselves at work is to be helpful to you. We commit ourselves creatively to everything that the purpose of your project will imply: the communication, reputation, commercial and budgetary objectives of your company; the needs and interests of your clients; the social and environmental surroundings; and also your professional and personal goals. By fulfilling our purpose we fulfill your objectives, and so we all win.

Ramita del árbol Liquidámbar Styraciflua de

In summary

symp: Creatividad ecológica. Certificación Eficiencia Energética Clase A.

How we contribute

ʚɞ Energy Performance Cert. Class A.

ʚɞ Greenpeace supporters since 1992.

ʚɞ Volunteers in a intergenerational NGO.

symp: Creatividad enfocada en soluciones de comunicación a personas

How we think

ʚɞ Get to know us a little bit more.

ʚɞ Our purpose is you.  

ʚɞ Something we have learned.

symp: Creatividad flexible para agencias, instituciones, empresas y autónomos

How we work

What else we do…

For the world

AOS Europe

Anticipating solutions to the current water problem.
(In Spanish)

For people


Shared online reading against confinement.
(In Spanish)

For Education

UCM · InfoBiSoc

Encourage the study of STEM subjects in primary school.
(In Spanish)

For integration

Cooperación Española

Weaving cultural ties between Spain and Morocco.
(In Spanish)

For progress

European Commission

Spread the IPv6 –Internet protocol version 6–.
(In Spanish)

For Culture

Todo… sobre la cerveza

Making public a pioneering brewing legacy.
(In Spanish)

What is said about what we do

«You are a machine (…) It is great how well you have linked the theme of the calendar with the celebration of the year of the tree. Without a doubt, it is what looks best.”

Patricia Uyá

Marketing, RGA Insurance

«They don’t just do the design or creativity that they are asked to do, (…) they get so involved with the project that they recommend and contribute new ideas and points of view (…) It’s a pleasure to cross paths with professionals like this.»

Álvaro Martín

Manager, Sabier Fisiomedic

«Great! We’re actually two weeks early on this! Thanks for all your help – it’s great to know we have you on board for the larger Spanish campaigns»

Ruairidh Pritchard

Commercial Editor Print Shop Magazine, Global Blue

Let’s create something together

If we share your values. If our experience seems applicable to your situation and you think that our creative skills, conceptualisation or presentation of information, writing, graphic design, layout or final artwork can be integrated into your team or fit with your project or your campaigns, please write to us.

Let’s see how we can help you.

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